Worrying thoughts can interfere with our daily lives, affecting our health and our ability to maintain relationships. Praying for the Lord with useful toughs can help calm an anxious mind.
Neurobiological disorder: An illness of the nervous system caused by genetic, metabolic, or other biological factors. Many illnesses categorized as psychiatric disorders are neurobiological, including autism, bipolar disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders such as by invention of
schizophrenia and Tourette syndrome.
In casual discourse, the words anxiety and fear are often used interchangeably. In clinical usage, they have distinct meanings; anxiety is clinically defined as an unpleasant emotional state for which the cause is either not readily identified or perceived to be uncontrollable or unavoidable, whereas fear is clinically defined as an emotional and physiological response to a recognized external threat.
The umbrella term 'anxiety disorder' refers to a number of specific disorders that include fears (phobias) and/or anxiety symptoms.
These stresses can include family life, work, social life, or their own health. A person may find that they have problems making daily decisions and remembering commitments as a result of a lack of concentration and/or preoccupation with worry.
Not so long ago, Behavioral Neuroscience was considered a 'soft', science, with the search for new molecules and the cellular functions of the molecules being the leading model illustrating what was considered essential to be studied to understand brain function.
This has drastically changed in the last decade, particularly with the publication of the human genome and later on that of other species (notably the mouse one).
The time came when the need for placing molecules in ‘context’ and identifying the role of the molecules in the behaving animal became clearly apparent.
Such a development in the Neuroscience panorama has placed Behavioral Neuroscience at quite a central place. It is clear now that we cannot determine whether a particular molecule is involved in memory formation just by testing the molecule's effects through in vitro approaches.
Evaluating, for example, whether it influences neurite outgrowth in neuronal cultures, or long-term potentiation (LTP) in brain slices, just to mention two of the approaches most frequently used in this type of screening.
Although the earlier studies showed that effects on learning should match the effects found for LTP, nowadays there are many examples in the literature of dissociations between the effects exerted on LTP and on memory tasks by specific molecules.
Most frequently with one (LTP or learning) being affected and not the other (Shimshek et al., 2006), or even each of them displaying opposite effects (Rutten et al., 2008). In fact, the lack of prediction from one system to the other makes total sense.
Reproduction of the dynamic complexity that characterizes every single organism in a piece of brain tissue now appears to be a naïve oversimplification.
Many are the missing elements (hormones, cytokines, to only cite a few, well established ones), that play a role in behavior and cognition in the entire
animal when only a piece of tissue is examined.

A symptom can be a strained appearance, with increased sweating from the hands, feet, and axillae, along with tearfulness, which can suggest depression. Before a diagnosis of anxiety disorder is made, physicians must rule out drug-induced anxiety and other medical causes.
It is not certain why some people have OCD, but behavioral, cognitive, genetic, and neurobiological factors may be involved.
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